Quality Products
Sand - Gravel - Rock- Boulders
2 to 4 Foot Rip Rap

Large, dense 2'-4' Boulders
3/8” Minus Nevada Energy Sand

Nevada energy certified sand to be used as shading around underground conduits.
Pea Gravel

Used typically as backfill around gas tanks. It does not have fines so water and other liquids may drain around it.
1 ½” (1.5 Inch) Non Spec Rock

Can be used for a fine track-out pad. Primarily used for footings of block masonry walls and a leach material for septic applications.
1" PMA Rock

Primarily used in concrete to increase strength. Can be used in leach fields also.
3/4" Rock

3/4 Inches or less sized rocks
Type II

Used as a base material underneath all concrete structures. IQAC (Inter-Agency Quality Assurance Committee) Clark County approved.
Concrete Sand

A fine washed sand, used in concrete. Water will also pass through the material, because the fine dirt is washed out.
Trackout Rock

Used on construction sites to prevent dirt from clinging to equipment tires to prevent dirt getting onto the public roadways. (Dirt can be stirred up by passing cars, causing dust emissions.)
Decorative Rock

Various decorative rock options available